Book Subscription Service

Hand-Picked Book Delivered Every Month

There’s nothing like the joy of unwrapping a new book…

We offer fiction/non-fiction subscriptions for adults and fiction subscriptions for children: the ideal present for the readers in your life – or for yourself.

Over the course of the subscription (3, 6, or 12 months), the recipient will receive a hand-picked book every month, beautifully wrapped and delivered to their door. He or she will be invited to tailor the choice in line with their reading preferences and interests.

Our friendly and knowledgeable book curators have a broad understanding of all things literary, from modern classics to the latest releases, ensuring they match the right books with the right readers.

Setting up a Paperback Subscription

Book subscriptions can be purchased online. UK prices are:

Adult: 3 months: £50 • 6 months: £95 • 12 months: £190

Child: 3 months: £45 • 6 months: £85 • 12 months: £170 

Email to arrange an international subscription or to find out about upgrading to hardbacks

We send a Welcome Card, explaining how the subscription works and inviting the recipient to have a telephone conversation with one of our book curators to enable us to establish their reading preferences and interests.

Then we send a gift-wrapped book at the beginning of each month. For longer subscriptions, after the first two or three months, we will contact the recipient to see how they’re enjoying the titles they’ve received and to check whether we need to tweak our choices in any way.

Terms and Conditions

If the recipient is sent a book they have already read, we will exchange it for a different title, providing it is returned to us in resaleable condition within 14 days of receipt. The recipient can either post the book back to us (at their own cost) or drop it into one of our shops for an exchange. We will cover the cost of posting the replacement book to the recipient if they do not live locally or are unable to come to one of the shops.

(As is the case with book tokens, shop tokens, events and stamps, our subscription services are excluded from any other discounts and offers, including ‘book group member’ discounts and occasional seasonal offers.)

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